I love you Tim

Yesterday was my brother Tim’s celebration of his life. They will lay him to rest in Tucson Arizona. I love you, Tim.






TONIGHT’S FULL MOON Grandmother Moon rises to her fullness, She reminds us to ground into who we are & to remember how important our presence is in the continuum of our lives as we savor the moments that flow. Our ancestors from beyond the veil root for us to remember, to wake up to our lives & the gifts that we each have. You have a chance to bring through the veils a part of your soul that can help you on this next stage of your journey. This Full Moon is forcing you to look at where you ignored your creative voice & abandoned yourself, in the face of opposition. Let her help you honor those places in you that mourn for what never was or what can no longer be, and then move on to the wisdom that comes from letting go of those feelings so you can get on with Life. Be open to new and different relationships but even more important, wake up to your own power and self-worth. Life is short but truly sacred.